FIDI’s Mission Statement regarding Bribery and Corruption is clear: bribery and corruption have been identified as one of the key factors that limit growth and contribute to inequality. By wrongly benefiting certain parties it limits competition, damages innovation and corrupts societies hence it is considered highly unethical and therefore against FIDI values.

Not only is bribery and corruption wholly contrary to the FIDI values, it is also illegal. Bribery and corruption laws expect that companies will have pro-active measures in place to prevent and detect corrupt practice.

In alignment with FIDI’s mission statement regarding bribery and corruption the FCC wants to underline the significant importance of the ethical conduct of their actions related to accommodating FAIM Compliance Procedures for Affiliates and First-Time Applicants making therefore a clear statement by signing the FIDI Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Charter.

FCC’s Commitment

  • We have read and understood the FIDI rules and conditions specified in the FIDI Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Charter (FIDI-ABC Charter).
  • We want to demonstrate our commitment by pledging to take a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. At all times, FCC Staff will act professionally, fairly and with the utmost integrity in all business dealings and relationships.
  • We formally accept and agree to abide by the rules and conditions outlined in the FIDI Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Charter (FIDI ABC Charter) as these appear in the latest edition of the FAIM Implementation Manual and is also available on the FIDI website.

Updated: February 2021

  • FCC / John Prooij         Project Manager Quality & Risk
  • FCC / Andrew Mavin     Customer Service & IT Coordinator
  • FCC / Isabel Chillopa    Customer Service Coordinator
  • FCC / Prachi Sharma    Customer Service Coordinator

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